Over Wallop Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan

The OWParishNDP Website

The local community plays an essential role in creating the NDP

NDP Referendum Plan Document March 2024

Guide to the NDP

Letter from Examiner – 9 August 2023

Examiner Report – 6 October 2023

Welcome to the Over Wallop Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan


In December 2020 Over Wallop Parish Council voted to support the development of a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for our parish.

The local community plays an essential role in creating the NDP: It allows parishioners to come together formally to have a say on the future development of the place in which they live and/or work. This is why in the coming weeks and months, the steering committee, set up by the Parish Council, will be gathering your views on a subject which you are exceptionally well qualified to answer – the place in which you live!
Perhaps you have a favourite green space that you would like to protect, a view which you feel is important or you would like to influence the character of new buildings in the village or wider parish? These are all issues dealt with by an NDP and are all issues which the committee want to hear about from you.

Over Wallop Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Logo Small

To enable us to communicate effectively with all residents we have set up the Hub email system to send out information about the NDP and to circulate questionnaires to gather your views and opinions. Please do sign up by emailing owparishhub@gmail.com. Hard copies of questionnaires will also be available for those unable to access emails.

NDPs are developed using a legal framework: This means that once the committee has heard from you, they will put together a series of suggested proposals based on your input. These will then go through a formal consultation process with residents and an independent examiner before the final NDP is approved via a local referendum. Once the NDP is successfully adopted it becomes part of the statutory development plan for the local area. It will have statutory powers and will be used to make planning decisions within the parish and will play a vital role in determining the look and feel of Over Wallop, Palestine and Kentsboro for the future.

You might like to find out more!
To get the latest information or maybe volunteer to support the development of the Over Wallop Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan please contact chair@owparishndp.uk – We look forward to hearing from you!